Thursday, February 19, 2015

Snow Day!

Hi guys! To many of you the snow may be no big deal because its the usual but for a couple of San Diego girls, it. is. AWESOME. This was actually Pams first time seeing snow like this so it was really fun watching it through her eyes. I mean I'm no snow pro but I lived here last year when we got more than this and I've been to visit my in laws in Minnesota a few times during the winter. Either way, it is magical! It started coming down Monday night so we went out to play a little bit. The most fascinating thing to me is how bright it stayed outside all night long. It was so cool. Kyle and I got work off since pretty much everything around here shut down (day 3 and schools are still closed) so we took full advantage and went sledding down a small little dirt mound that had just enough snow to launch us down hill. Later Pam and I went out to see what a snow covered beach is all about! We did a little sledding with our boogie board and quickly decided we love sunny beaches way more than snowy beaches! Here are a few pictures and a quick video recap of our day. 

And now a video with a few funny fails.

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