Monday, December 1, 2014

Remington's dedication

Hey, all! Today I want to share something that was pretty special and important for us- a few weekends ago we were able to get Remington dedicated.  After years of being out of church for some things that happened in the church I grew up in, I was invited by a friend out here (thanks, Rachel!) and we ended up loving it. The pastor is great and gives me hope that not all pastors are the type that I have been exposed to in the past. Its been good realizing I need to separate the people of the church, who are just humans and have made many mistakes, and the church in general. I spent so many years with my back turned to just the idea of it so its good to be back. So so good. Anyway, we know without a doubt we want to expose Remington to Jesus and set forth the best Godly example we can for her to get her on the right path. The world is a scary place with a ton of awful influences. She can either get the impression of that or she can get the impression of Jesus' love and strive to make Him and us proud and make good life decisions in the future. Its a scary thing becoming a parent to love your sweet baby so much yet know you can do the very best you can with loving them and raising them but they end up choosing who they want to be, who they surround themselves with and what path they want to take. I am constantly praying over my girl that she is always around good people who influence her in the right direction through life. There is just so much negative in this world, I pray we are able to guide her the right way that she know better than to ever get involved with bad people or make bad choices. It starts with us so Kyle and I are back in church learning and soaking up as much as we can because before we know it she will be emulating us and we need to be the best versions of ourselves we can be for her. Proverbs 22:6 says "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he should not depart from it." We have a pretty huge responsibility that we are taking very seriously and I know we will fail a lot but I'm hopeful we can make the right choices. Our pastor just did a series on parenthood that was so good and so eye opening and something every parent should hear. I will be posting those online sessions soon. If you're a parent and reading this and even if you aren't a parent, you should watch them. You will learn so much! Anyway, a few pictures from my girls big day. In hindsight, I should have put her in the nursery during worship and prayer and announcements because by the time it came time to go up on stage she was so over having to sit still and be quiet that she was a hot mess. She fussed a bit and did not want to be held! She was too cute at the end though when everyone started clapping. She looked around with a huge smile and started giggling and clapping right along with them. Everyone started cracking up, it was so cute.


  1. Just so precious. Reading how you pray for her, that she will be around the people who will be a good influence on her made me remember how I used to pray for my children's future husband or wife.
